Issue Position: Campaign Finance Reform

Issue Position

Date: July 22, 2016

"For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." -1 Timothy 6:10

The American political process has been bought. Just 158 families controlling hundreds of billions in assets are funding the vast majority of this year's presidential campaigns, with the total amount spent on the election expected to exceed $10 billion dollars. The .01% who are financing the elections are not doing so out of the the kindness of their hearts- investing in politicians has very real benefits to their wealth and investments.

Campaign finance law, as it exists today, is a form of legal bribery. Citizen's United upped the ante, but the problem existed before the Supreme Court established that corporations are people, and money is speech. Until we turn off the magnet, and move toward public financing of campaigns, there will continue to be a quid pro quo in our politics.
